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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Close Combat 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-03-14 16:29:50 Views : 22279 Enter the game, start playing as german in campaign. When you are in the debriefing room, look at the requisition points for the current operation (mission is surrounded by a yellow box) memorize the amount. Press cancel and return to main menu. Select another campaign, and press ALT+ESC. To return to the desktop, start MS Word, Open the saved game with word text editor (the game autosaves itself in the last number of saved game if it was the last mission you selected - backup the file first). Search for the string "//Req points for operation" (without the quotes). It has many strings keep searching the string where you'll find the number you memorised. Change it to 1500 or more (1500 is enough). DO NOT DELETE THE SPACE BETWEEN THE NUMBER AND THE //.. (it's a formatted area) NOW to get better weapons and units: go up few lines and you'll see the req unites allocated. Type, Max and requested. If you change the type to 73 you get the most powerful german tank the "konigstiger". 19 gives you a panzer tank good and fast one, and 8 a mark IV tank. Now to get more units just change the max amount to 40-50 or more. (the max amount is the second number after the unit code on the same line) try not to change the requested unit number since it deteriorates the file sometimes. Save the game and close the file. When prompted to save in formatted document click NO. Press ALT+TAB to return to the game, and press campain, then select your game (2xclick). Start it to utilize your new cheats. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Close Combat 2 cheat codes.
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